For those of you who have clear memories of the turn of the century, you might remember all the fuss about web circa 1998-2000. The web was growing in ways that no one had ever imagined. People were buying and selling just about everything, new strange services were popping up, and immense amounts of money was being thrown around. This is the period know commonly now as ‘web 1.0′. This was not to last however, and around ’99 the bubble popped. The millions of dollars invested in the web had suceeded in developing the web, but it had failed at developing profits.
Many companies completely failed, design studios were shut, and the web was viewed with skepticism and doubt.
The nerds of the world however, were not discouraged by things like “money” or “viability”, and pressed on, developing in that time many new technologies that would set the stage for the web’s great resurgence.
We now inhabit the second era of the web. One in which single people communicate with each other, media is freely shared, and ideas know very few boundaries. Very nearly anything is possible.